Girls, girls, girls...

Nobody & Friends zet 10 boeiende kunstenaressen in de kijker tijdens de zomer 2021.

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Van 3 juni tot 29 augustus in de Volkstraat 64 te 2000 Antwerpen.

Je bent welkom van donderdag tot zondag van 12.00u tot 18.00 of op afspraak.

Martine Cuyvers

For Martine Cuyvers, painting is a creative process of self-discovery that is converted into something tangible. Searching for her purest self in a state of complete freedom and childlike wonder. A quest for purpose and identity.

Her paintings are abstract, suggestive and always layered in structure and color. Sometimes stark in black and white, sometimes flowing and intensely colored. Open to free interpretation by the viewer.

Her gallery Nobody&Friends is a platform where affordable art from established and upcoming visual artists is exhibited in an accessible manner. She is also business director of Alden Biesen Zomeropera, an opera festival that takes place every year in the months of May and June in the Landcommanderij Alden Biesen in Bilzen-Hoeselt in Limburg.

Attika Dahri

Attika Dahri was born to a Belgian mother and an Algerian father.
Her life is steeped in the influence of two cultures that have shaped her into who she is today.
As an artist she lets her heart speak and gives life to her emotions through painting.
A passionate woman who uses color in a unique way to convey her view of the world: a contemporary ode to cultural diversity and the depth of the human soul.
Attika is a guest artist from April 6 to May 5, 2024.

Ivo Vleminx

Ivo Vleminx is guided by pencil and brush, an old childhood love. After years of pent-up creativity and a setback during a burnout, Ivo rediscovered his passion.

Ivo tells his story with numerous color touches, contrasting shapes and naked emotions. Self-taught, he knows how to give his works a recognizable style. From coarse brushstrokes to indispensable details, he finds his way in acrylic paintings, mainly portraits. Painting and drawing have become necessary in Ivo Vleminx's life and he hopes to inspire others in this way. Curious about opinions, he likes to receive criticism with a listening ear, that has been different for some time.

Once having started with visual arts in high school, but then learned everything in the school of life. Not in possession of a degree in painting, but an enormous passion for this art form makes him an artist approaching 60, with a keen eye for beautiful things.

Yvette Adriaens

Yvette Adriaens lives in Zoutleeuw
After she completed a full art education in Sint-Truiden,
Yvette is currently perfecting herself as a painter at the academy in Tongeren.
Her painting reflects her awareness of the beauty of the growing as well as the ephemeral in nature.
She has an irresistible urge to explore seemingly insignificant micro things in macro format.
That is her way of transforming things and elevating the most banal into art.

Mies Clukkers

Mies studied fine arts at the academy of Hove.

She developed a preference for the abstract more and more.

Her oil paintings are immediately recognizable due to a fascinating work process, a very open approach to painting materials and techniques and her intuitive approach.

The layering of the paint accentuates the richness of the image.

Each work of art is a testimony to internal emotions.

Philip Verhoeven

Philip Verhoeven was spoon-fed art from an early age. He grew up in his parents' antique shop and started drawing at a young age.
The discovery of figurative art and his passion for color, graphics, history and music ensure that he develops his own style. His works reflect his positive outlook on life.

Philip's paintings are exhibited in Brooklyn, New York, in London he is represented by Miart Gallery and in Philadelphia by Morton Contemporary. In February 2024 he will be a guest at the Art Wynwood Miami art fair.

Etienne Jammaers

The message of displacement is central to the work of Etienne Jammaers. It refers to the feeling of not being at home in the environment we live in and feeling disconnected from the people and culture around us. This may be due to changes in our environment, such as immigration or emigration, but it can also be an internal feeling of being out of place in the world. The use of unusual or unfamiliar symbols, colors and images, which make the viewer feel uncomfortable or unable to identify with the image, illustrate this in his painting. For example, Etienne uses colors and patterns that feel unnatural or strange, making the viewer feel displaced.

Gerry Zweegers

Gerry draws a lot of inspiration from her personal life. She has turned her hobby interior into her profession, which in turn provides inspiration for her great passion for painting.

In addition, she is interested in people as individuals. There is a personal story behind every person. By merging these data or people in their environment, she tries to evoke the emotion of a certain moment or situation with her paintings. Her work is characterized by loose brushwork and is based on classical techniques.

Gerry already exhibited at Nobody&Friends in November 2022.

Martine France Moreau

Martine France Moreau, an established and versatile Belgian artist. She graduated from the Art Academy of Braine-l'Alleud, Fire Arts department, and learned the art of sculpting from Annie Jungers and Jean Coyette. She has been participating in collective or individual exhibitions since 2003.

Her organic, plant-inspired or quasi-human ceramics are characterized by their simplicity. The human and vegetable worlds meet, melt into each other and the reduction technique (adding smoke during the baking process) as applied to each of her works results in a kind of writing. This writing represents the memory of the organic, mineral and vegetable or plant material used.

In her bronze sculptures, Martine combines her ongoing research into matter with the study of the creatures that inhabit our universe. Her works attract, speak, challenge and tell their story, that of the lives of others or of her own life.

Martine France Moreau demonstrates great artistic mastery, rich in subtlety and creativity.



Bert Prins

The work of the Belgian artist Bert Prins harks back to the basic idea of ​​Pop Art: to glorify the everyday around us by converting it to its essence in color and form.

Bert already exhibited at Nobody&Friends in April and September 2022.

The second photo above is a work in acrylic paint and with integrated collage, based on a photo by Jan Dirkx.


Jan Wouters

Nature and infinity have fascinated Jan since childhood. That is why he tries to capture it with his watercolours. "They are pieces of the great puzzle that make up our world. An expression of emotion at the same time. It is a gift to be able to express yourself in image and word." After his art studies in Brussels, he exhibited in Antwerp, Bangkok, Paris, Fountainebleau and Mortsel. He lived in Paris, New York and Bangkok and later on returned to his native Antwerp.

Brigitte Cauquil

Self-taught Brigitte Cauquil finds her inspiration in Provence, more specifically in the villages where the houses have been weathered by time and the walls bear the marks.

Her paintings exude this atmosphere. She uses marble powder, sand and similar materials as the underlying structure of the canvas. Afterwards she adds natural pigments from Provence and acrylic paint. The contrasts of rough and smooth, dark and light, coarse and fine result in a crackled surface. The colors lie on top or penetrate into the grooves and traces of the structure. The chosen color palette is authentic, the earth tones create a feeling of connection and tranquility.


Artstudio Martine Cuyvers

Bezoek de art gallery

Volkstraat 62-64, 2000 Antwerp
Thu till Su 12.00-18.00 or by appointment

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